what would your 35 ways be to keep you and your team motivated and productive?
Do you want to see mine?
Last week I carried out a couple of my Purpose, Vision, Values and Strengths Team Workshops (they’d originally been scheduled in March and designed to be face-to-face). However, as we know, things drastically changed and being used to adapting to change, I #newnormed them and yes, you guessed it, I digitalised them!
They’ve gone down a storm - here’s what the Leader of the 22-strong team had to say:
“Just a quick email to say thank you for yesterday it was brilliant, I have had lots of positive feedback from the team around the session.”
I think we’d all agree that it’s been a hard and gruelling few months as people have grappled with the huge change and uncertainty. In the workplace during the first couple of months of the pandemic, colleagues wrestled with crisis mode which then transitioned into managing a very different new normal. Although anxiety levels have mostly reduced, the anxiety buzz never leaves us, it’s a constant in our lives.
When going through great change and what seems like never-ending uncertainty, one of the toughest challenges for any leader is to keep colleagues motivated, committed and productive.
So if you’re struggling to do this and need a helping hand, you may want to click here to download my 35 Ways To Keep You And Your Team Motivated document. You can see some snippets in the infographic to your right!
And if you want to go one step further and create a purposeful, inspired team and ignite an impetus for cohesion, collective action, do check out my Purpose, Vision and Values team workshop.